Apartment in Saalbach

Our house is in a quiet neighbourhood, but it is still close to the centre. We offer a large easy apartment on the first floor. lt is good for families or groups of five to 8 people. Proficient skiers can ski right to the door when there is enough snow in winter. Our apartment is the perfect starting point for hiking or cycling tours in summer.

Gundi Ripper Winter
Saalbach Winter
Appartement Saalbach
Sommer Saalbach
Sitzecke Gstekche

Summer and winter holiday in Saalbach

Regardless, whether you are into comfy hiking tours with your family in Saalbach in summer-or you are here with friends looking for exciting rafting adventures -all your wishes may come true in Saalbach. ln winter Saalbach offers numerous activities as weil: Skiing in one of Austria's greatest skiing areas, or what about a jolly siedging trip or maybe tobogganing?

To our apartment...
More about the summer holiday...
Her for the winter holiday in Saalbach...

Apartment Saalbach

Frau Gundi Ripper
Bergerkreuzweg 174
A-5753 Saalbach

Mobile: +43 664 589 49 66
Mail: urlaub@appartement-saalbach.info

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